This project is for an Enhanced Apple IIe which includes several common peripherals as part of the build. It consists of the key components required to implement a fully functional Apple IIe and storage system.
The Apple IIe and IIe Enhanced
The IIe project comprises of a single .zip containing an Altium Project as well as several pre-compiled bit stream images ready to go. The IIe project supports cross vendor targets including the Xilinx XC3S1500, the Altera Cyclone II as well as the Xilinx Virtex 4 SX and LX devices and may be re-compiled to suit the FPGA of your choice.
The soft IIe includes the following standard features:
- 128K RAM
- 65C02 CPU
- PS2 Keyboard
- PS2 Mouse
- Compact Flash Card Interface
- 640x480 VGA display
- 80 Column Card
- Z80 Softcard
- Six Apple II Peripheral Boards when used with the Slots Board
- Optional 28MHz Accelerator (when used in conjunction with a Virtex 4).
The Apple IIe project has been completed to a functional state and is available for download to play with. The design is open to evolving, and any improvements you feel can be offered to this project would be very welcome. The current design is available as an Altium Designer Project.
Getting Started with the Apple IIe